Jan 3, 2013
It’s great to see when people are successful in a particular area of life, though I think it’s fair to say some people really are amazing. The people I refer to as being amazing are the ones that can take the skills learnt to create success in one area and apply them to other areas of life creating transferable skills
On more than one occasion I have seen this with the amazing talent working with and managed by StarAmp global.
I wish for many people to experience this and those that do will be touched in a very positive way. The exiting thing about these high achievers is not only are they amazing people that have achieved great things in life they are also very happy to share with others.
These are the reasons I feel so proud to have established StarAmp Global and look forward to an awesome future surrounded by great people. The people and businesses that are attracted to a business such as StarAmp global are those that see the benefits in surrounding themselves with positive people.
Keep smiling.
Don Elgin
StarAmp global founder