Darren Collins is a coach like no other. He’s an athlete who has achieved an admirable sport/life balance after identifying that the party-boy life was proving incredibly destructive not only for him, but for others he cared about. After losing his leg as the result of a sickening football tackle in 1999, Darren or Daz as he is known to the world turned to...
The power of mindfulness

Dec 14, 2015
The power of mindfulness Our Star Hannah Macdougall shares the insight of living in her shoe, it’s honest and valuable, something for everyone. Click on this link to learn The power of mindfulness from someone who knows. http://fridaybestmag.com/interview-hannah-macdougall/ Enjoy the learnings Cheers Don...
StarAmp Global partners with VIRUS

May 5, 2015
World first amputee management agency StarAmp Global has partnered with the most technologically advanced apparel brand on the planet VIRUS Action Sport Performance Aust. Managing Director of StarAmp Global Don Elgin said “joining forces with such an innovative brand like VIRUS would provide opportunities for the elite amputees athletes managed by StarAmp...
Our Star Kelly Cartwright thoughts of her comeback

Mar 26, 2015
Ever wondered what it would be like to have two years away from sport and then return in pursuit of being the best in the world. According to our Star Kelly Cartwright, feeling like a baby giraffe is a fair assessment of what it feels like. Click the link below to read all about it. http://www.kellycartwright.com.au/feeling-like-a-baby-giraffe/ ...
Jack Swift Paralympian never fails to motivate and inspire students

Mar 3, 2015
Last Wednesday, Year 11 and 12 students were fortunate enough to attend a ConnectED session in which special guest speaker Jack Swift spoke to the students about his incredible life journey. Jack’s story was truly inspirational, and the students were riveted as he related details of the workplace accident that resulted in the amputation of his lower leg, and...