Darren Collins

Darren Collins is a coach like no other. He’s an athlete who has achieved an admirable sport/life balance after identifying that the party-boy life was proving incredibly destructive not only for him, but for others he cared about. After losing his leg as the result of a sickening football tackle in 1999, Darren or Daz as he is known to the world turned to...

Slider4 Jack Swift

Slider4 Jack Swift

Jan 21, 2013

Jack Swift - Our greatest success often follows some of the toughest struggles we have faced

Mike Rolls

Mike Rolls

Jan 21, 2013

Mike Rolls – Life is far to short to be wasting time with a bad Attitude. No Legs, No Worries.

Hannah Macdougall

Hannah Macdougall

Jan 2, 2013

Hannah Macdougall – Every day is an opportunity to aspire to be better.

Maddy Hogan

Maddy Hogan

Jan 2, 2013

Maddy Hogan - People who expect the best… usually get what they expect.

Slider Kelly Cartwright

Slider Kelly Cartwright

Jan 1, 2013

Kelly Cartwright - Never let fear be the reason you don’t have a go.